
DON’T START MEWING! Before you read this


Mewing is relatively a new concept. Though sufficient amount of research has been carried out, one cannot really claim about the effectiveness. Prof. John & Mike Mew have shared scientific analysis on why mewing transformation takes place, if you want to learn the science behind it then you can follow their channel called Orthotropics on YouTube or you can read it here: Mewing & Orthotropy

Mewing largely depends upon keeping the correct tongue posture. Only by maintaining the correct posture will the results arrive. Social media has been buzzing about numerous mewing mistakes and the related problems caused due to it. In this blog, we are looking to solve problems associated with mewing specifically tongue posture.

mewing mistakes
Mewing mistakes can lead to jaw problems | Mewingpedia.com


Out of all the mewing mistakes that new mewers are making or even experience ones per se, I have listed 5 common ones that you need to correct asap. Mewing is more than a habit, it’s a lifestyle and thus tiny mistakes can cause a lot of trouble not to just your cosmetic appearance but also your internal facial structure. Thus, it’s crucial to mew correctly for overall facial structure well being.

Here are five common mewing mistakes that people make:

Breathing with an open mouth

Lol! Not breathing in general, (I’m no Thanos) but breathing with an open mouth. It’s a terrible mistake that the majority of people are making. If you’re one of them, know that it will have a negative impact on not only your facial structure but your health as well.

Funny thing is that the majority of the people we know have spent their whole life breathing while their mouth is open. A little research puts everything into perspective and helps realize the advantages of nasal breathing and the usage of the diaphragm in doing so. Now coming to the mewing context, you are not supporting your facial muscles through breathing with an open mouth which is a major mewing mistake.

Not breathing through the diaphragm

Studies prove that breathing while using your diaphragm helps you stay calm composed and collected throughout the day. It’s absolutely great! The belly should expand when you breathe in and retract when you breathe out through the nose. Nasal breathing with heavy diaphragm influence has numerous advantages and is far better than breathing through your mouth.

Though improper lifestyle and eating habits do lead to mewing hassles, you can jump all these hurdles. Start off by using your diaphragm for breathing followed by sheer determination and commitment (Because everybody loves motivation, even Samuel Tarley)

Grinding your teeth

One of the most common mistakes that mewers make is when they try to assert too much pressure when starting off. Mewing isn’t about grinding your teeth and pressuring your jaws in order to attain a proper structure. Mewing involves a relaxed posture where your upper set of teeth calmly rest on your lower ones. So remember, clench your teeth but don’t exert too much pressure on them.

If you have difficulty in understanding mewing, you can simply follow the mewing formula. It will help you mew almost instantaneously. Even clenching should just involve placing your teeth in a comfortable position.

Entire tongue should touch the palate 

I had made certain errors when I started mewing in the past. One of the mistakes I made was just touching the tip of my tongue to the roof of my mouth. As I kept learning, I realized that I was doing it wrong for more than a month. So, how did I fix it? I researched and learned that a proper mewing posture involves placing your entire tongue against the roof of your mouth (palate).

It can sound difficult and improbable at first but it will become a habit in no time. (Trust me). A simple way to do it is to, spell the alphabet ‘S’, you’ll automatically find the back portion of your tongue touching the palate. Move that all the way to the front and you can even use chewing for assistance. The bottom line is making sure that the whole surface of the tongue is touching your palate. By doing so, your tongue is able to work the maxilla i.e. your jaw.

Inconsistency in Mewing

Inarguably, the plague to our health, mental and physical condition can be rooted in inconsistency. If we eat, drink, sleep, and exercise regularly, we won’t have three-quarters of the health issues we currently suffer from. Similar to other transformation processes, mewing requires patience and consistency. Thus, one of the biggest mewing mistakes is giving up too soon. You may develop your bicep muscles way before your jawline and that’s alright.

Remember, mewing takes time. Results won’t come overnight, you have to work towards it. In fact, mewing requires so much effort and dedication that you have to set the correct tongue posture even when you’re not paying attention. i.e. subconsciously. If you’re having trouble getting started with mewing, try chisell as it will help you start right and work your way to a better facial structure.

Chisell mewing transformation


Visit Website: Chisell.com 

For the past couple of months, a lot of people have asked me on Instagram and Facebook whether Chisell is worth the money? It’s too expensive. Well, I’d simply say that if you can spend thousands of dollars on procedures such as facelift, plastic surgery, and chin augmentation, why not $35? It won’t have a negative impact on your facial structure in the short-run or long-run. It’ll help you to work your masseters without causing any harm. 


These were five common mewing mistakes mewers make when they start. If you have been mewing for some time and realized that you’ve been doing something wrong, don’t feel bad or sorry. You are not alone. We all make mistakes and we all learn from it. What matters is how much effort are we still willing to put into it to achieve our goals?

Leave your thoughts & opinions in the comment section below and if you wish to submit an article to mewingpedia.com, reach out to us by commenting below. Have a great day.


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15 thoughts on “DON’T START MEWING! Before you read this”

  1. Is it ok to use chissel under 18 because I asked one of the members from chissel and they say they don’t recommend users under 18, but I though If I start earlier the more bone growth the better?

  2. Sorry to ask again but when I mew I can bring the back part of toungue up and the skin is tight, however when the back part of my toungue touches the pallet my tip rolls back with it? Is that normal,

  3. Hello this is that exact same thing I have! When I bring the back of my toungue up is the tip sopposed to roll back into the mid palate with the back of the toungue resting on the soft palate?

  4. Mewingpedia, when I mew my tip doesn’t just roll back a bit it rolls back to like half way but even when it rolls back I can still get the back and middle of my toungue on the roof and the skin under my neck is tight, I’m a doing it right and is it genetic that it rolls back, do you think over time I will get bugger cheekbones from doing it?

  5. The method I’m using to mew is to say the word ‘sing’ or any word ending with ‘ing’, and whatever contact my tongue makes with my palate when I say those words, I just mew like that. Is this right? Rather does this provide for enough contact with the roof of my mouth?


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